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Kurz Java security

Java Application Security Training

  • Podrobná obsahová náplň školenia
    • Introduction to Java Security and security permissions
      The word 'permission' is thrown around a lot when talking about Java in both J2SE (standard) and J2EE (enterprise), but what exactly are they and why do we need them?

    • Applet security
      Since the release of Java 7.0, applets have become inherently more secure due to enforced use of security policies. This came at a price however... This section of the course covers the added security and drawbacks of the applet policy system and covers the risks and advantages involved in handing control over to the users by 'signing' your applets.

    • Java Cryptography
      This covers the following areas:
      • Encryption and Decryption
      • Key Generation and management
      • Implementing your own provider
      • Public key technologies in Java
      • Certificates in Java security
      • What happens when things go wrong
    • SSL in Java
      Secure Socket Layers are essential in keeping the communication between the application and the server away from attackers. This section shows use of the Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE), HTTPS Handlers, Frameworks, SSLSessions, SSLSockets and SSLServerSockets and KeyStores

    • Java Authentication and Authorization Services
      Covering JAAS and how to enable a Java application to use this in order to take advantage of Java's mechanisms for authorization. This section also touches upon use of a Kerberos primer involving mutual authentication.

    • Java Server Faces (JSF) including single sessions
      The J2EE version 6 standard suggests use of JSF for web applications. Due to the structure of JSF however, a lot of user control is lost. This section deals with the notion of introducing more managable control components and covers the notion of a single session.

    • SQL injection and use of PreparedStatements
      No matter what the technology, if there is communication with an SQL-database, there is a chance for SQL injection. This features prominently in the OWASP top ten, and is seen as a serious threat. This final section covers use of PreparedStatements and areas to be aware of.

  • Cieľová skupina
    • Programátori webových aplikácií, systémoví administrátori
  • Vstupné požiadavky
    • Základy IT bezpečnosti, programovania/vývoja a znalosti OS, angličtina.
  • Čas konania
    • Termín, čas a rozsah realizácie individuálneho a uzavretého firemného školenia je vecou dohody

      Verejné školenia prebiehajú v čase od 8:30 do 15:45 hod.
      (1 vyučovacia hodina = 45 min.)
  • Jazyk výučby
    • Výučba prebieha výlučne v anglickom jazyku

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Kurz Java security
Uzavretý firemný kurzCena na požiadanie+ viac

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